blogspit blog 



the spit on the spot!


Tuesday, July 22, 2003

I finally got one programming itch down. I completed my own set of Flashcards. Damn. This is a CS21a achievement for me. I just have to study more on Boolean logic, loops, if & then statements, and all the rest of that funky Java jargon. I'm so cramming everything up.

I also just learned C++ thanks to Antet, Mau's bro. His internet connection was terminated suddenly, so our C++ tutorial session has been cut short. I did learn a lot though. And I am truly grateful and thankful to him. Yay!

Do I notice a pattern? I'm thinking in chopped up logic. It's not like I could speak my thoughts as straight as I want to. It's as if my logical side of the brain is overwriting all the creativity that should have gathered all the while. My blog, train of thought and writing content is suffering.

Not that I put anything really worthwhile for the people at to notice.


The point is. I need to study more Java jargon etc. I have to be able to explain the application of averaging in English tomorrow.

I'm signing up for an account in Pitas. I hear from Tin, it's pretty cool.... so I'm saving my namespace on their freedomain. Hehe.

I feel pressure you know.

"To whom much is given, much is expected."

Wishful Wishings...
It wouldn't hurt anyone if God willed it to have no classes tomorrow. That would be really nice. Everyone needs a break. Hehe.

Sunday, July 20, 2003

Do you know how fun this is?

I'm blogging again. After a long hiatus: I am blogging all over again.
What's cooler is that I am actually blogging in style. Why? Because, I am blogging from my new notebook. This is so much fun. What convenience and portability and that wonderful fact that I'm not going to get kicked out of the PC because, first and foremost, not one and more importantly it's MINE.


Ok. Enough conceit and arrogance and yabang.

Anyhow... I'll probably blog more worthwhile stuff when I have more worthwhile time. I'm still downloading a program and it's acting strange on my notebook.


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