blogspit blog 



the spit on the spot!


Tuesday, July 08, 2003

I like blogging in the CS21a computer labs. Why? Because... the net connection is much much faster than the one I have at home. Number 2, the blogger typing format shown on the computer screen at the lab is so much cooler and better than the one shown at home. How it happens? I have no frikkin' idea.

Tonight, there will be another blueREP workshop. It'll be from 430-8pm or something to that effect... basta I know it will end later than most member orientation and training seminars offered by other orgs to their new members Last Monday, I wasn't able to assist the whole workshop due to a miscommunication, so today. I will be here the whole time. Neato! I'm so excited! Our applicants are very very very talented and bloody amazing! I'm so happy and proud! Yay!

On the other side of the lake, amidst my mirth and excitement, there is bad news. Destiny cable will be taking out channel 20, Star Mandarin. I'm so sad. That's my favorite channel ever. Well, my favorite movie channel at least. *sigh*
Destiny cable's getting suckier by the minute. They have practically taken out the Star Network by the pixel. I'll blame it on Sky cable though... greedy businessmen. Schmuck. Now, I really want the Dream Broadcasting system. Damn.

*wishful thinking*

I'm doing something with Boolean logic. I'm not getting it. =S this sucks. I really need that JCreator. And I really should stop doing this, cause I'm concentrating on blogging instead of figuring my program out. Schmuck.

I'm a stupid schmuck.


Monday, July 07, 2003

Happy Birthday PISY!!!

You're 20 na...and well older and wiser and better. A lot has passed since 1st year college and it's nice to see you through the changes that college has brought upon us. Stay nice. Be good. And stay the cool cat you are!

~ ~ ~
Aside from the momentous milestone of a birthday celebration today. Today was well, tiring.

I'm too tired to even write about it. Bleah.

And the one thing that even "depresses" me more is that... nobody's asking questions. :(

Ok. Ok. now, my turn to ask a question or two... maybe even more:
Mitzi's question: Why is the turn of the water flow when you flush the toilet counter-clockwise? Then somehow, towards the end of the flush, the water flow turns in a clockwise direction?

Please submit your answers in my spot-spit below my blog. Thank you very much.

And a good evening to all. I shall hit the sack and catch the moon.

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